Tuesday 28 May 2013

Why Some People Age Like a Fine Wine and Others Rot

Regardless of whether you are a novice within the world of wine tasting or someone with years of experience under your belt, it is important to make sure that you select the right type of wine glasses for tasting. Although, not all people are aware, glasses for wine range from fine glasses to those that are less expensive. Ultimately, a number of different glasses vary in style and quality. Some of them are designed specifically with one type of wine in mind, while others are not.

A Brief History

Presently, the oldest account of glasses used for wine dates back to 23-79A.D. During this time, Pliny wrote about how glass became the favorite over gold and silver drinking vessels and even had a price tag as high as the precious metals. To this day, the oldest European wine glasses with a stem and foot dates back to the fifteenth century and entails an enameled goblet, which refers to a glass that is capable of holding more than four ounces of liquid.

Throughout the centuries, a number of fine glasses evolved with time. However, it was not until the 1950's that the manufacturers started to refine the wine glasses according to specific types of wines. Therefore, this entails their unique sizes and shapes because of the different variations.
Selecting Wine Glasses

One of the first things to consider when choosing fine wine glasses has to do with the material that it originates. In general, glasses should consist of a plain and clear material in order to allow appreciation of the wines color. Largely, this has to do with the way that the color of the wine relates to the types of grapes within, in addition to the wines age.

Furthermore, the fine glasses should consist of an appropriate size. When the glass consists of the right size, this allows enough for a good tasting. In addition, fine glasses of the right size allow for a gentle swirling without the person having to worry about spilling the wine. Swirling important since it helps to release the aromas within the wine. In consideration, wine glasses of a small size are inefficient for allowing a sufficient whiff of the blend contained within the wine.

Another important consideration with fine wine glasses is making sure to select one with a stem. Mainly, this relates to how an individual's hand can potentially change the temperature of the wine. In turn, this can change the taste of the wine. Lastly, wine glasses should taper at the top. The main significance of this has to do with how it helps the individual to smell the wines aroma better.
How to Serve Wine

As mentioned before, some of the largest characteristics has to do with its smell and appearance. A good rule of thumb to go by is to serve red wine in larger glasses, while champagne works better in more slender glasses. More specifically:

• Bold red wines - serve in goblet wine glasses
• Young or light white - serve in narrow mouthed glass
• Wood aged white wines - serve in slightly wider mouthed glass, but still narrow
• White wine - serve in tall stemmed hock glasses
• Champagne - serve in tall slender tulip glass
Ultimately, there is no correct way to serve wine. In general, serving wine has to do with the preference of the individual. In addition, it has to do with your budget and how far it can go in regards to purchasing fine wine glasses. http://ezinearticles.com/?Tips-on-Selecting-Fine-Wine-Glasses&id=5636645

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